Inflation and Coal Prices: Analyzing Their Influence on Mining Sector Stock Returns in Indonesia


  • Johny Sumarna Putra University Of Mazandaran, Mazandaran Province, Iran
  • Mani Motameni University Of Mazandaran, Mazandaran Province, Iran



Inflation, Coal Prices, Returns, Influence


This research examines the influence of coal prices and inflation on mining sector stock returns in the short and long-term using monthly data from the period January 2009 – December 2020. Data analysis in this study used the Autoregressive Distributed-Lag (ARDL). Based on the test results using ARDL method, it can be concluded that in the short-term inflation has a negative and significant effect on Mining Sector Stock Returns. Meanwhile, coal prices have no effect on mining sector stock returns. In the long term, it shows the same phenomenon, namely inflation has a negative and significant effect on Mining Sector Stock Returns. Meanwhile, coal prices have no effect on mining sector stock returns.


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How to Cite

Putra, J. S., & Motameni, M. (2024). Inflation and Coal Prices: Analyzing Their Influence on Mining Sector Stock Returns in Indonesia . Jurnal Bisnis Mahasiswa, 4(3), 420–429.